As a social media manager, I enjoy creating engaging content and planning strategies that make an impact. I actively nurture relationships with followers and keep a close eye on metrics to ensure our campaigns succeed. Staying updated with trends, listening to our community, and maintaining brand consistency help me build a vibrant online presence. I handle challenges with a positive attitude and love collaborating with photographers and team members to craft delightful social media experiences.

Develop and design engaging posts (text, images, and videos)
Create and implement social media strategies
Engage with followers and manage the brand's reputation
Monitor metrics and analyze performance
Plan and execute social media campaigns
Stay updated with social media trends and tools
Maintain brand consistency and enhance identity
Handle negative feedback and social media crises
Coordinate with photographers, collaborators, and talent

Managing the social media for Old Spanish Days Santa Barbara was a rewarding experience. One challenge was the inconsistent “voice” of the nonprofit from year to year. To address this, I established a friendly, trustworthy tone that made the community feel comfortable engaging. I developed a content calendar, created a hashtag strategy, and utilized stories and live streams to connect with our audience. I also collaborated with my photographer to capture more inclusive, marketable, and professional shots. My approach to content creation included spotlighting key events, sharing behind-the-scenes moments, and offering a transparent view of what goes into organizing the various city-wide events. This led to increased engagement and positive feedback, boosting community involvement and morale after the pandemic. The project taught me the value of clear communication and adapting strategies to meet the needs of a community-focused event.

Below are clickable samples of social media posts: